Two-Stage RO Water Treatment Reverse Osmosis Equipment SolidWorks

Published by: Holden Ragland

Reverse osmosis, also known as reverse osmosis, is a membrane separation operation that uses a pressure difference as a driving force to separate a solvent from a solution. Pressure is applied to the feed solution on one side of the membrane, and when the pressure exceeds its osmotic pressure, the solvent permeates in the reverse direction of natural osmosis. Thus, the permeate, or permeate, is obtained on the low pressure side of the membrane, and the concentrated solution, or concentrate, is obtained on the high pressure side. If seawater is treated by reverse osmosis, fresh water is obtained on the low pressure side of the membrane and brine is obtained on the high pressure side.
It is called reverse osmosis because it is in the opposite direction to natural osmosis. Depending on the different osmotic pressures of various materials, it is possible to use a reverse osmosis pressure greater than the osmotic pressure, i.e., reverse osmosis, for the purpose of separation, extraction, purification and concentration.

Specification: Two-Stage RO Water Treatment Reverse Osmosis Equipment SolidWorks

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Two-Stage RO Water Treatment Reverse Osmosis Equipment SolidWorks
Two-Stage RO Water Treatment Reverse Osmosis Equipment SolidWorks
Mechanical Engineering Design Library
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