The operation of automatic opening and packing machine for medicine bottles is introduced as follows.
1. the first row is loaded into the box against the left and the first partition is inserted, the partition module remains unmoved.
2. The robot grabs the second row of boxes and moves out the partition module.
3. After the partition module is moved out, the robot pans to the left to ensure that it is completely flat with the partition.
4. The partition module grabs the second piece and rotates and moves into the box below the second row of bottle shoulders.
5. The robot grabs the third row against the right wall of the box into the box.
6. The third row of bottle bottom and the second row of bottle shoulders form a tangent angle to ensure the relative position of the partition, the partition module is released and moved out, the robot moves down to make the partition vertical, assisted by the downward pressure of the partition and the bottle at the same time into the box (or partition module second downward pressure of the partition in place).
Specification: Automatic Unpacking And Packing Equipment For Medicine Bottles (DFM, BOM Included) SolidWorks, 3D Exported
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